We are excited to announce the Together in Mission 2022 Campaign will launch Announcement weekend of February 19 & 20, Commitment Weekend will resume February 26-27, and lastly Follow-up weekend, March 5 & 6, 2022. As one Catholic community of faith, let's pray and reflect on how we can continue to help our struggling parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Join us….Fr. Ethan will be speaking on Relevant Radio - The Inner Life on Friday, February 4, 2022 at 11am CT / 9am Pacific. https://relevantradio.com/listen/
We extend an invitation to friends and the community to join us at Mass for a celebration of Fr. Leslie McNamara’s life on Saturday, February 5th at 1:00 PM at St. John Eudes Parish, Chatsworth, CA. ♦ FROM FR. McNAMARA, your former pastor. Many of you knew my brother Fr. Leslie. This Saturday, February 5 will be the first anniversary of his death. We thank the Lord for him. He loved the time he spent at SJE and got to know many of you. Blessings to you all. Father McNamara
Dancers for Jesus, Mary & Joseph and St. John Eudes Faith Formation Presents, IN THIS LOVE TOGETHER - DINNER & DANCE - Saturday, February 12 @ 6 PM - 11 PM Grill Hall - $50. per person - proceeds go to the developing of our ministries. Questions? 818.310.3663
Our parish is forming a parish pastoral council to investigate, reflect, and recommend different aspects of our parish reality. ♦ This council is an advisory body whose wisdom, insight, and consultation will help to build up the church and strengthen the people of God as we reflect upon the major issues concerning our parish. These areas could include but certainly are not limited to homelessness, outreach to the poor, outreach to the sick and homebound, outreach to the young, upgrades and maintenance to aging facilities, as well as fundraising and financial stability. Please let me know of your thoughts and areas of concern for our parish! ♦ Currently, we are accepting nominations for membership to the council. Over the coming weeks, we will be gathering these nominations (you can email me directly or call the office with your own personal interest or suggestion for someone else who you feel may be a good candidate) into a candidate pool which the parish leadership team will pray and reflect upon in putting together the eventual membership list for the council. ♦ We Need You! Our Parish Needs You! Please fill out a nomination form.
OneLife LA partners with many Southern California-based service organizations that provide life-affirming support to pregnant women, assist immigrants and refugees, the homeless, trafficking survivors, the elderly, the disabled and the dying, and help foster children find forever homes. This commitment to service ensures that participants view this event not only as a destination, but as a call to build up their communities. ♦ This family-friendly event begins with a solidarity-building walk through downtown Los Angeles, ending with a festival, live music, food trucks, entertainment, and inspiring speakers. ♦ Our speakers share powerful stories of what they have overcome in life and how they use that struggle to help others. These stories inspire and mobilize thousands of people to do good work every day to help those in need.
Update: CANCELED --- Celebration of Santo Niño (Holy Child Jesus) Sunday, January 9th 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Procession of the Image of Santo Niño at 9 AM Mass Family Celebration of our Baptism At the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord! All are welcome for a family fiesta at the Plaza. Bring your images or statues of the Santo Niño or Holy Infant Jesus for a blessing.
SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – BUNDLE SUNDAY On January 9th, 2022 our Parish is having a Bundle Sunday for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores. Please bring your useable clothing and useable household items on this day. Their truck will be here at our church at the Lassen Parking Lot. Please help them in their endless efforts to assist the needy. They are in great need of furniture and large appliances. Please phone (323) 224-6280 or (800) 974-3571 for free pick up of large items.
St. John Eudes Bereavement Ministry invites all who have suffered the death of a loved one to the 2022 support meetings, which start Saturday, January 8th at 9am at the Church entrance. Grief is an ongoing complicated process and this ministry offers support for all mourners. For further information, please call John Chady (818) 456-2116 or Leila Iler (818) 341-2102
The meetings will be in Grill Hall. For the past nine years, the Fellowship has enabled men in the parish to learn about and deepen their faith in a loving, prayerful and dynamic environment. Each week we view and discuss compelling, inspirational video programs for the best known teachers in the Catholic Church, including Bishop Robert Barron, Fathers Dave Pivonka and Larry Richards, Schott Hahn, That Man Is You, and many others. After 18 months of “virtual” meetings, we are eager to again meet in person –including our famous hot breakfast! If you have been away from the Fellowship, or if you are a newcomer, please join us! You will be glad that you did. (For more information, contact Dennis Loomis at cdloomis@buchalter.com)
Click on the title to see the events. Updates: ♦ DECEMBER 8: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Masses at 8:15 AM English - 6:30 PM Bilingual ♦ DECEMBER 12: Celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at all the Masses - 9:00 AM procession of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and offering of flowers by Faith Formation Families, 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM Living Rosary at the Plaza with Faith Formation Family, at 1:00 PM una gran celebración de la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ♦ DECEMBER 17: Music Concert @ 7 PM ♦ DECEMBER 18: JOY! A Night at Bethlehem - 5 PM Children's Mass, 6:30 PM Tree Lighting, 6:30 - 8:30 PM Christmas Village ♦ DECEMBER 20: Simbang Gabi with Bishop Alex Aclan @ 7 PM ♦ DECEMBER 24: Christmas Eve - 4:00 PM Children’s Mass | 6:00 PM Español Misa de Navidad | 8:00 PM Candlelight Mass | 10:30 PM Festival of Lessons and Carols | 11:00 PM Midnight Mass ♦ DECEMBER 25: Christmas Day - 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM (zoom) English | 1:00 PM Español
Please follow the link here to see the full calendar. These are the dates and times which have been shared and confirmed as of December 2, 2021. Clusters: (South East) St. Catherine, St. Bridget, OL Grace, St. Cyril, St. Francis DeSales (South West) St. Bernardine, St. Mel, OL Valley, St. Joseph the Worker (North) St. John Eudes, OL Lourdes, St. Euphrasia, St. John Baptist DeLaSalle
In Memory of Fr. David Ayotte, 1960-2021 ♦ We are most grateful to God for the time that Fr. Dave shared with our community and will forever carry him in our hearts. At the height of the pandemic, Fr. Dave encouraged us with these words: “in a certain way we’re entering into a space where something new is emerging…some new way of being church that we weren’t expecting before…but the Lord could be calling us to something much greater and there’s no way we can silence the action of the Holy Spirit…we might fight and oppose, but what the Lord is actually doing is doing something greater inside of us that we wake up to the real I AM; God in our life.”
Celebration of Young People: FRIENDSGIVING!!! When: Saturday, November 20, 2021 What Time: 4pm - 8pm Where: St. John Eudes Church [Outdoor Field] - Enter through Mason Parking Lot
The Eucharist and Synodality on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM ♦ “The specific modus vivendi et operandi of the Church, the People of God, which reveals and gives substance to her being as communion when all her members journey together, gather in assembly and take an active part in her evangelizing mission” ♦ Register Now ♦ Available in Zoom Meeting ID: 266 236 8157 ♦ El taller será traducido al español en Zoom ♦ Presented by Rev. Ricky Manalo, CSP, PH. D. Paulist Priest, Liturgical Composer, Theologian
SJE Parish will have the Annual Harvest Mass on Saturday, October 30th at 5 PM followed by Trunk-or-Treat. All Ministries and Councils will be participating of these event. Reserve a spot with Tom Siciliano - tom@blyco.net Cars can enter Lassen Lot to decorate at 3:30 PM, gates will close at 4:45 PM The event is from 6 PM - 8 PM There will be food trucks and music.
The Bereavement Ministry cordially invite you to a special Mass of Remembrance with candlelight procession to honor and remember our beloved dead. There will be candles for those who died and had their funeral liturgies celebrated at SJE from 11/1/2020 to 10/31/2021. Their names will read at this Mass (during Prayer of the Faithful). If your love one died within this time period, but the funeral service was celebrated elsewhere, please contact us by calling either the Parish office (818) 341-3680 or Dan/Agnes Young (818) 368-5208 (leave message). PLEASE GIVE US THE NAME OF THE DECEASED AND THE DATE (MONTH/DATE/YEAR) OF DEATH so that a candle may be prepared. Please also give us a contact name and phone number in case we need to reach to for verification. Each family is invited to have 1 or 2 persons to carry the lit candle in the entrance procession of the Mass. PLEASE ARRIVE 20 MINUTE BEFORE MASS. You may also bring a small photograph of your loved one to be displayed on the table or the poster board at Church. Hospitality will be shared after Mass in Grill Hall.