Books, Bookmarks, Children’s books, Framed prints, Crucifixes, Jewelry, Novenas, Religious
prayer books, Greeting cards, Chaplets, Candles, First Holy Communion and Confirmation
items, Holy Water bottles, Auto accessories, Auto rosaries, Statues, Pyxes and Pyx burses,
Fans, Wall Rosaries, Posters, Pendants, St. Joseph Home Seller kits, Baptism items,
Key rings, Tokens, Rear view mirror ornaments, Pet medals, Plaques, Scapulars, Medals,
Night lights, Picture frames, Christmas, Lent and Easter items and more.
Pope Francis has designated 2021 as St. Joseph’s year and we have an assortment of
Items on display: Holy cards, statues, medals, books and more.
Special orders can be arranged for most items.
Hours: Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to Noon and by appointment after 1:00 p.m.
Please call the phone number below.
The shop is also open on Sunday after the 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. masses.
Contact: Mary Ellen Pike (949)375-1239 or (818)-341-3680, extension 157– or email: [email protected]