On the first Sunday of each quarter (January, April, July and October), SJE is hosting a food and clothing drive to help the poor and the homeless in our community. We have an event scheduled for Sunday, October 4th from 8 am to 2 pm in the Lassen parking lot and need volunteers: o Bundle Sunday: The St. Vincent de Paul truck will be in the Lassen parking lot (parked alongside the Lassen fence) from 8 am to 2 pm. Please bring usable clothing, shoes, linens and small appliances. To donate furniture and large appliances, please call 1.800.974.3571 for a free pick-up at your house. Volunteers are needed to retrieve the bags of clothes, etc., put them onto the SVDP truck and hand out donation receipts to those who want them. o Food Donation Sunday: Volunteers will be in the Lassen parking lot near the SVDP truck to collect nonperishable foods such as canned fruits, vegetables, meats or soups; dried beans, rice, macaroni & cheese, cereals, oatmeal or pasta; pasta or tomato sauce; crackers; or peanut butter. Please - no glass jars as they break too easily. Volunteers are needed to will retrieve the bags / boxes of food and place them on the tables and/or move them into Montal Hall for temporary storage. We need at least 6 volunteers for each of the 3 shifts (7:30 am to 10:30 am, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm) - 2 volunteers to help with the Bundle Sunday drop off & 4 to help with the food drop off. Please check within your ministries & youth groups and let me know who will be able to help and at what times. Thank you!!