[PAST EVENT - A RECORDING IS AVAILABLE BELOW.] PARISH MISSION ECHO - "Reawakening the Heart through the Word" We will have a digital Parish Mission Echo this evening, Nov 30th at 5:30 PM with Deacon Francis Coyne, COSJ. Please join us... Reawakening the Heart through the Word: A visitation through prayer and diving deep in being with one another. Enter the sacred space through Zoom: Meeting ID 266 236 8157 ♦ United in Christ, Fr. Ethan Southard
Fr. Ethan presents to the community of St. John Eudes the Parish Operating Results for the Fiscal Years Ending and pleads to St. John Eudes community the support need it for continuing the mission of the church.
There are many families in our community who will not be able to give their children toys or clothing this Christmas. If you are able to help, we are asking for donations of toys, clothing, etc. for children from ages 2 to 12. You can drop off your donations in the boxes along the Grill Hall walkway to the Church starting Saturday, November 28th. This event is hosted by SVdP St. John Eudes Conference (818) 341-3513
Please Contact the St. Vincent de Paul Help Line at (818) 341-3513 at any time if you or someone you know needs assistance, particularly during this holiday season. We will respond to every call within 24 hours.