We are excited to announce the Together in Mission 2022 Campaign will launch Announcement weekend of February 19 & 20, Commitment Weekend will resume February 26-27, and lastly Follow-up weekend, March 5 & 6, 2022. As one Catholic community of faith, let's pray and reflect on how we can continue to help our struggling parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Join us….Fr. Ethan will be speaking on Relevant Radio - The Inner Life on Friday, February 4, 2022 at 11am CT / 9am Pacific. https://relevantradio.com/listen/
We extend an invitation to friends and the community to join us at Mass for a celebration of Fr. Leslie McNamara’s life on Saturday, February 5th at 1:00 PM at St. John Eudes Parish, Chatsworth, CA. ♦ FROM FR. McNAMARA, your former pastor. Many of you knew my brother Fr. Leslie. This Saturday, February 5 will be the first anniversary of his death. We thank the Lord for him. He loved the time he spent at SJE and got to know many of you. Blessings to you all. Father McNamara